While this is exciting (especially because I get to double the harp part with Zach, whose amazing playing makes me want to better myself), it's also quite terrifying. There are a lot of solo sections for harp, where I have to follow not only the conductor, but Zach, as well, since he's principal harp. Thus far, Zach and I have been sounding pretty great together, but being in orchestra does make me a bit nervous sometimes, especially since I've moved up to the Pre-College Orchestra this year from PCS.
In the introduction, things are pretty straightforward. There are some lush chords and pretty straightforward rhythms.
The first movement is fairly straightforward, as well, although some sections are somewhat difficult to play with orchestra. The big chords and arpeggios are easy; however, the midsection involves both triplets and sixteenth notes together in the same measures. This is easy to play sans orchestra, but I find it more difficult once I get to rehearsal.
The second movement...well, the harp has about five chords at the end of a 196-measure rest, so there's not much to worry about there.
The third movement is difficult simply because it moves quickly at points, but it is fairly easy to follow in orchestra.
And here we are at the fourth movement. It's the most rhythmically easy, I think, but the difficulty comes from the HUGE chords in almost every measure (see below). Right now, I feel pretty good about this section, since I've had to practice especially hard with Zach gone this week. I'll be the lone harp in rehearsal this week!